Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Economic Downturn and the 'Real' Euro 2008

Apparently Monday was statistically the most depressing day of the year. For a lot of us, it is some time since we were paid, and therefore the bank is empty. On top of that we’ve incurred debts over the Christmas period, which in my case are unlikely to paid off until December, when this lovely process can begin again. Its cold, dark, wet, (in certain parts of the country there is flooding to contend with), and now we are on the brink of a horrific worldwide recession.

I don’t particularly understand the stock market, or indeed why a fall in the price of shares of Minnesota Paint and Plumbing could cost me my job, pension and/or house, but it seems it does. I remember from studying GCSE Economics, something called interdependence. The 1970s text book I had, showed fairly simplistic examples – such as the corner shop owner being interdependent on the banana grower to provide bananas, and at an agreeable price. Essentially the whole economy is underpinned by other like transactions, millions of them every day. Presumably the stock market relies on a roughly equal amount of buying and selling, and the problem we have now is that everyone is selling (this alone is an alien concept to me – the ability to sell with apparently no buyer – where exactly do these sold shares go??? Presumably I am misreading the situation). Amid all this uncertainty, it is of course, solid gold thinking that we should be spending so much tax money (£2,000 per household apparently!!!) to keep Newcastle United’s sponsor in business. Again, my knowledge of this situation is not impeccable, so I am sure there are very good reasons why this course of action has been taken, but is this really the best use of tax money????!!!!

Anyway, just as I’m pondering all these confusing fiscal issues, who should provide the answer, but the trainline.com (the website you book train tickets on). For reasons best know to themselves, they had sent me an ad for a book, carrying the extremely catchy title Greg Secker’s Ultimate Trading Secrets (for those of you who have been living like a hermit, Greg is ‘the UK’s top trader. Whether this is in financial contracts or the Star Wars Customisable Card Game is unclear – as the source of this award is not mentioned). Greg’s book can tell me (“in minutes”);

How live trading floor traders keep and grow their profits.

The "big picture" of how money actually gets made in the trading world, without all the hype about the latest fads. Your future success depends on understanding this!

How to make sure all of your trading decisions are based on risk/reward strategy. If you haven’t used this formula, you’re probably missing the profits

So there you are. If like me, you are confounded by all this financial jargon, you could do worse than have a look at Greg’s book.

EURO 2008

No England of course, but plenty to look forward to, if the Pro Evo Euro 2008 my mate Rich and I had at the weekend is anything to go by, with plenty of big surprises this summer. Watch out for home advantage to boost Switzerland and Austria to the quarter finals, Italy and Holland to emerge from the group of death (with France returning home early), and for Turkey to finish with eight men in their encounter with Switzerland. Still a long way to go, since we only managed the group stages in one afternoon; tune in again for the result. Once we are done with that, we shall upgrade to World Cup – the draw (yes there will be an actual draw) will be held in my living room at the conclusion of the Euro 2008 final.


Have I joined a gym? No, though in my defence some of you are probably aware of the saga regarding my left foot. (No marks)
Am I more professional in my work? Well today I wore a shirt that had cufflinks (Partial credit).

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